Massive share and check in!
I think I've recovered from my jet lag so now I can get on with things...
I want to say THANK YOU!! for all the birthday wishes while I was away in faeryland and not so connected to the internet ❤
Thank you for following my journey and watching the music video Darcie and I created, and of course sharing it!
I closed out my personal year and began the new one in an alternate universe, country and time zone and now that I'm back in my office I wanted to speak about my process.
Since I celebrate the ending of the year at Samhain-personally and magically, I also apply that to my business.
November 1st begins my new cycle and during this time, I take the time to honor and acknowledge the growth and accomplishments and significant moments of my year as well as free myself from all former intentions and obligations so that I may begin anew.
This past year was significant for my journey in many ways. The year before had been about leaving the slave job world and creating my own business, this past year was about learning to grow and survive within that business.
I started a podcast, facilitated my first 3 day retreat in LA and then in Avalon. I began my journey of leading workshops, I combined my live performance with my group rituals, I made more money in one month than I ever have, and then I lost it the following. I learned really hard but valuable lessons in money and business and by default energetically.
I learned that what I focus on, is what I get.
What I chose is what I'm left with.
And I learned how my own emotional reactions effect the flow of money in my life.
I learned that believing in myself and my message is the absolute most important piece!
I was powerfully reminded- to STAY IN THE FIGHT!
That terminology might apply more to me than you because I am a fighter and I went back to my martial arts training right at the key moment when I needed to hear that in my business.
BUT- If you stay where you fall- YOU WILL STAY WHERE YOU FALL! And the fight isn't over just because you got punched in the face.
You must chose to get up and keep moving forward however painful.
The PAIN IS THE TEACHER, it's not meant to keep you down,
it's meant to TEACH you.
We LEARN through our FEELINGS- that's why we are human- for that exact experience.
The pain, the sadness, the burn of embarrassment, shame, insecurity-
NONE of those apply to every situation in your life-
When you powerfully chose to move thru that energy and learn from the feelings given to you-
that is where you find YOUR TRUTH,
YOUR answer, YOUR way forward.
I took leaps of faith to serve my calling and my heart,
AFTER face planting in the mud.
I recorded the new single off of the new album coming this next year. (releasing it soon)
I finally recorded a music video for Sands of Time!
though the way it happened was not at all what I had planned at the beginning of the 2019 and I'm so so happy for it!
My year was like that. I made a lot of plans.
And forcefully held on to those intentions, until the tower came crashing down and I had no other choice than to surrender my ego, get back up, and keep playing!
And in this I experienced the most beautiful second half of my year-maybe ever- because I stopped forcing my will on everything.
This was my big lesson of the year.
Trust all the way through.
And so now back to the drawing board.
I'm about to go into a long meditation and let my spirit guide me into what is next for me.
There are some events coming up, music coming out, new "things" I'm into, and ways to be together in community and business that I will be sharing shortly.
I invite you all to take this personal inventory.
Whether you celebrate your new year now, or you are waiting until January-start to have a look.
Your new year will be built off of the lessons learned in the previous one. It's powerful to be clear!
Sending out a giant beam of love to all of you!
((Photo credit: Darcie Kermode))
