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"I did my first official reading with Jaime ever.  I came to her at a time where I most needed it.  A period of unrest and confusion has settled in my life and for years I had purpose but soon found I was once again in a limbo state.  She was able to guide me through the experience patiently revealing the meaning behind all the cards and what I'm experiencing in connection to world around me.  Look forward to doing the work this summer to find my direction again as I dig into the messages I received.  So glad I chose to do this; and I feel like the last few days after the reading, I have been gracefully aligning my intentions with the universe. :)   As it might take some time, but I already feel hopeful and a glimpse of light in this journey."

-Mr. L


"I have had readings from Jaime several times now, and each time was wonderful! I've never had tarot be so accurate in what's going on in my life before! Jaime is really good at interpreting the cards as well as telling you what she's doing and what the cards could mean. She's a very good listener, and she's also just a joy to be around. The readings were so good. For real. So spot on, definitely not just telling me what I wanted to hear lol. The first reading warned me about something I was secretly considering that would have really messed my life up and there was no way she could have possibly known about this. Thankfully I listened, and I'm so grateful I did. The second reading was during a party that we hired her for, and it was cool to hear how everyone's readings were so different yet so specific to events in their lives! Mine was all about a unique project I'm working on and she and the cards described every aspect of it. It was really validating to get this type of guidance. I can't wait to go to one of her moon circles! I've been wanting to but have just had scheduling issues. They sound amazing and very transformative. 
I would definitely hire her again to do an event and would recommend her to anyone who wants some guidance from a very grounded but tuned in magical person"

-Minnie G.


"I had a Tarot reading with Jaime that was absolute magic. Jaime is so insightful, grounded, and clear -- you can tell she is a deep and true listener, intuitive, empathic, and so wise. Her grasp on the cards and her ability to translate their meaning swiftly, with both great sensitivity and a sense of humor, was so impressive and helpful. You can tell she comes from a place of passion in her work and a true desire to help you navigate and improve your life. I felt really safe and held as we went through the journey of the cards and was moved by the care Jaime took throughout. She has an amazing attention to detail and a huge breadth of knowledge, from Astrology to Tarot and beyond. I will happily return to Jaime for more readings and so highly recommend you connect with her!"

-Dan R.


"Jaime is amazing! I've seen her for readings and I've been to her new moon women's circles. In both, Jaime is a truly sensitive and beautiful soul who is supportive and very intuitive. A priestess who guides and does so with the utmost grace and understanding. I highly recommend her tarot card readings and moon circles. She's a pleasure to be around and you'll leave feeling lighter and with a better sense of knowing and support. I can't thank Jaime enough for how much she's helped me"

-Mia A


"I love Jaime's moon circles so much.  They are a beautiful way to set intentions, release and doing it all while being witnessed by other women.  She has a magical voice and leads a powerful ceremony.   I can't recommend them enough to women."

-Rory C


 "Jaime's moon circles are by far my favorite way to spend a new or full moon! She creates such a loving and peaceful environment that is not only therapeutic and healing, but also fun. You can really tell how much she values creating a sense of community. I always feel seen and heard by her (and the other lovely women she attracts to her circles). The circles are always a bit different each time, in the best of ways, as Jaime really just seems to let them flow organically based on the energy present. My favorite part is the meditations, when she sings and plays music - her voice is so gorgeous and healing! Seriously. I would definitely recommend going to one of her circles if you're looking to connect with other open-hearted spiritually-minded souls"

-Erika W.


"Jaime's full moon circles are a beautiful way to be seen and heard in a loving environment. She provides guided suggestions based off the current astrological energy during each moon phase, you're invited to share what you're working on and releasing or can remain silent & still feel an immense amount of support. She has a unique meditation where she sings and plays sound bowl or guitar that is wonderfully soothing and calls you "home" I really enjoy the energy she facilitates in this circle I felt connected to and supported by everyone here. Thank you Jaime and sisters of the circle!"

-Andrea T.


"I've been working with Jaime in several capacities for a while now and I really am so grateful to have her in my life - as a friend, circle sister and mentor. Jaime has an undeniable magic to her - and as someone who seeks to remember my own psychic/magical/healing abilities - her presence never fails to activate what is within me and to help draw it out. She has a wealth of knowledge from her life and practices to draw on and offers up that information and wisdom freely. She is great with explaining something you don't understand in a concise, relevant way. 

I've come to her in many different head spaces and emotional states, blissful to drained to anxiety ridden, but I always feel safe with her and able to open up, even if it takes some time and gentle nudging to get to the core of what is going on, we get there together - judgement free. She's also willing to share her experience, past or present, which allows a lot of connection to happen and, in a way, blurs the line between a conventional teacher/student relationship. In just a few months, Jaime has helped me grow in so many ways, personally and spiritually. I always leave feeling a lot lighter, more clear and inspired. 

If this sort of thing is new to you, take heart in knowing Jaime knows how to create and hold sacred space (one on one and in a community setting). Her energy is grounded, real and receptive. She truly listens and offers prudent, direct insight. Her moon circles have a loose structure around ritual work, music, sharing, and meditation, but each time feels fresh and new and exciting, never stagnant. 

Whether you come to a moon circle (online or in person), get a reading, or do coaching work with her - expect to leave feeling lit up from inside."

-Haley S.

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© 2025 by Jaime Black.

 There is a strict no refund policy on all purchases and offerings. Blessed Be.

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