🕯Growth, transition, change.
It’s often a slow process.
Sometimes it manifests suddenly, but usually, we’ve been thinking of it, wishing for it, talking about it and lighting candles for it for quite some time.
I complained about being a slave, about being horribly out of alignment serving someone else’s mission. and then I quit my job and took the hard road of not knowing where money was gonna come from, or what I was gonna offer in exchange. ⚡️
It hasn’t been easy.
It’s still a challenge.
But I have my own business
It’s been 3 years.
Hard ones, the first year I gave in and went back to waitressing- but I still worked on the biz.
To remember that I have fought to be where I am now is empowering.
I’m in the business of serving my purpose, Working my magic, and offering my own brand of medicine.
I get up everyday and focus on what I can create next.
I get hired to do my thing-
it’s almost unreal.
This post reminded me.
It’s a nice time to reflect on all that you’ve experienced and accomplished in this past year.
What have you learned?
What can you celebrate?
What can you be grateful for?
I had some really rough spots this year- and now- I can see how important those struggles were in order to arrive at my mindset today- and let me tell you- it took all year!!!. 🔥
We all have our own version of this.
There’s a lot of excitement about the new year.
Don’t forget to acknowledge your past year- to make sure you’ve gathered up all the important nuggets you received that you will absolutely be needing for the next part of your journey.
The vibration is high-the energy feels potent. Honor your struggles!
They put you HERE!! 🔥
I wish you all an exciting NEW ride!
And Blessed be!! 🙏🕯
This photo is created by the Artist: Aya www.ayamobaydeen.com
