Jaime Black

Jan 31, 20194 min

Be The Light

Updated: Feb 21, 2019

Being the Light.

I want to be a light for you-
So that you know that you are not alone

So many times- we forget that WE ARE the LIGHT

Because when we look out- all we see is darkness.

People hide their light.
They're too afraid to shine.

But they are lights too-
Just hidden-

This is why I believe that we all need to work on ourselves.

Hone our skills.✨
Refine our magic- and our message.✨

It gives us confidence.

SO that WE CAN BE A LIGHT- for others.
-for the people that we care about the most-

And for the people that we don’t even know.
-But are meant to be a light for.

I believe
We are all here- for each other.

To be teachers, ✨
Activators, ✨
Guides, ✨
Sign posts!✨

To lead the way
-to help others remember who they are-
Just as others remind us who we are.

I know who I am because of the others-
I have been there for.


We all want to have a purpose.

We all want to be remembered.

The way that you do this-

I think you need to take that class,
That course,
That program,

You will grow and change,
In the process.

And LEARN-even more about YOURSELF.

There is always something to learn-
Always someone to learn from

Even if you are learning - that you disagree!

Sounds like a weird thing to say-

But many times-
I have gotten really clear on my truth-
From hearing someone’s expert opinion-
that I disagree with.

I learn from my teachers at first,
by being drawn to them-
Resonating with what they are offering-

And then many times-
More times than not-

Disagreeing at some point.

It has helped refine me,
my beliefs, and my message,
Each time.

If you find yourself stuck-
And you are wanting to create change,

Get yourself into a class- and work on something.


Years ago-
I was experiencing total mental and emotional block.
I couldn’t write songs- this went on for years.

After helping someone dear to me through some really heavy
scary stuff I decided to go back to school
to study Psychology so I could start helping people with my gift in a more professional way.

That got my energy moving so quickly from a completely different place in my body-
From all the mental stimulation-

It was exciting! - for a short time-
Until I realized that being back in JR collage-
Was NOT the way for me.

I had strong resistance- 🔥
I felt stuck and trapped and hated the fluorescent lighting we were being bathed in.
(Or whatever those horrible lights are that buzz and give you migraines)

So I broke out-
And went back to my magical studies.

It had been years since I had a teacher so I went looking for any kind of class that I could find.
Just hoping to be moved.

First, I found some really bad ones-

And I finally- I found some INCREDIBLE ones.

(and this only happened because I went out in search of classes in the first place)

Soon I found my energy shifting,
My mind expanding,
My knowledge growing-
And my life changing.

That journey-
has everything to do with where I am Now-

My personal evolution,
Owning my own business,
Speaking my truth,

Serving my Sacred Purpose.

Some of you have been sharing that you have been
very activated by what I have been sharing with you.

What if I wasn't doing that?

I want to encourage you to invest in yourself.

Money sitting in the bank-
Is not helping you grow.

Nor is money being spent on clothes and drinks and stuff.

I am someone who takes everything I have- and invests it in my growth.

And yeah-
That has made me the person that can’t afford to go out to eat many times-

And who doesn’t have an extensive wardrobe-

But it’s been worth the trade.

I do probably spend about $3000-$10,000 a year on education.

And-surviving off eating pizza and shopping at the 99 store!

That was me 2 years ago
When I was starting my business!

My reason for sharing this part-
Is that-

We all feel like we don’t have money to invest on ourselves.

Especially when we feel broke- or ARE broke!

But- most all of us have cell phones, Tvs, cars, clothes, and go out to eat and out for drinks.

We pay for cable, Netflix, we buy stuff online-

I had to give up all of that stuff.

(Yes I had a cell phone-and a car- but I have shared before that many times I have not.)

I am the person that wanted to go on tour- so I put all my stuff in storage and sold my car- and just went.
Having no idea what was going to happen later on!

I believe in taking the leap. 🔥

I believe investing in yourself.🔥

I believe in facing your fear. 🔥

If you are someone who feels called to serve,
lead, to have your own business,

You are going to have to chose your growth-
over all that other stuff.

It ALWAYS worth the money.

It is ALWAYS worth the time

And It is ALWAYS worth the risk-

Because you will shine BRIGHTER.

Think about the flame of a candle,

Have you ever sat in-front of one-
And focused your energy on it?

What happens?

It grows right?!

This is what happens- when you focus your energy on yourself!

Your time, your money, your intentions=



So yes-


Cause another one of us-
is in the dark right now-
looking for one.